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Big (nerdy/gaming) shop update

Vendor table at a gaming show selling earrings
Debuting new earring designs at Cleveland's Classic Console & Arcade Gaming Show

I've been a little quiet these last few weeks but for good reason!

After a year and a half into my small business owner journey, I've taken a new step in my earring business - custom acrylic patterns! I spent this summer purchasing art from small business artists to be used on earrings. The art, usually a pattern swatch, is duplicated and resized for a 12x19 inch sheet of acrylic and then printed onto acrylic by my supplier at Smokey Hill Designs.

Acrylic earrings awaiting hardware
I spent quite a number of evenings putting hardware on the acrylic pieces

It's been a big step, financially and emotionally since a lot of things are still trial and error. Am I sizing the swatch properly to fix it onto earrings? Will this pattern look good when massively shrunk down to the size of an earring? Is anyone going to recognize what this design even is?!

Overall, my first foray into custom pattern acrylic went well. I debuted the new earrings at Cleveland's Classic Console & Arcade Gaming Show on July 22, 2023.

The earring designs are now available online for $10 each + shipping.

Keep an eye out for future updates on my Instagram as I've already placed more orders for custom acrylic!

Note: Artists I've used allow their art on products for small business use. If you're looking into doing something similar, make sure you check the seller's notes because some state their designs are only for personal use.

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